Saturday, 26 November 2011

How to Prevent Hypertensive Nephropathy by Diet .

Hypertensive nephropathy (or "hypertensive nephrosclerosis", or "Hypertensive renal disease") is a medical condition referring to damage to the kidney due to chronic high blood pressure.It should be distinguished from "renovascular hypertension" (I15.0), which is a form of secondary hypertension.In the kidneys, as a result of benign arterial hypertension, hyaline (pink, amorphous, homogeneous material) accumulates in the wall of small arteries and arterioles, producing the thickening of their walls and the narrowing of the lumina — hyalinearteriolosclerosis. Consequent ischemia will produce tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, glomerular alterations (smallerglomeruli with different degrees of hyalinization - from mild to sclerosis of glomeruli) and periglomerular fibrosis. In advanced stages, renal failure will occur. Functional nephrons have dilated tubules, often with hyaline casts in the lumens. Additional complications often associated with hypertensive nephropathy include glomerular damage resulting in proteinuria and hematuria.

There are some measures available to prevent this disease, or to manage the kidney damages early to improve the quality of life for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy. It is necessary to visit a nephrologist to get the most current and effective therapeutic schedule. However, apart from the medical treatment, this disease can also be prevented by diet. And the following are several dietary tips for preventing this disease.
1. Low-salt diet
A delicate diet is appropriate for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy. And high-salt diet should be limited, for too much salt intake will cause vascular sclerosis and the increase of blood pressure. For patients with Hypertension, just limiting the salt intake can make their blood pressure return to normal; and for those who have moderate or severe Hypertension, limiting the salt intake not only can enhance the curative effect of hypotensor, but also can decrease the patients' need of hypotensor, thus decreasing the side effects of the medicines greatly.
In addition, patients should also pay attention to the invisible salts such as
· monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, ketchup and mustard
· pickles
· cooked food such as sausage, pork luncheon meat, spiced beef and roast chicken
· frozen food, canned food and convenient fast food
· desserts, snacks and drinks
2. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy should eat LESS sweet food, for sweet food is high in sugars which will transform into fat and cause arteriosclerosis easily.
3. Fat foods should also be limited, for fat foods are rich in cholesterol which will accelerate the arteriosclerosis.
4. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy should get rid of smoking and had better drink less wine, for too much smoking and drinking will cause damages to our heart and kidneys.
5. High-potassium foods are recommended for patients whose renal function is normal, for in our human body potassium can buffer the effect of sodium. And the commonly seen high-potassium foods are soybean, tomatoes, celery, fresh mushroom and various green vegetables, and the fruits mainly are oranges, apples, bananas, pears, kiwis, pineapples and watermelons.
6. It is appropriate for patients to eat more foods which are rich in high-quality protein and vitamins, such as fishes, milk, eggs and lean meat.
7. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy should also eat more high-calcium foods, for high-calcium foods are conducive to lower the blood pressure. And the commonly foods are dairy products, sesame paste, dried small shrimps, kelp, black fungus, walnuts, sardines and eggs.
The aforementioned tips are only a partial listing of suggestions for patients with Hypertension or Hypertensive Nephropathy. Your needs may vary depending on your kidney function. For help creating a meal plan that meets your needs, consult your doctor.

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