Wednesday, 20 July 2011

How to treat Lupus Nephritis

Lupus Nephritis is secondary kidney disease. It is accompanied by multi-system symptoms and the damage to the kidneys, so it will bring serious consequences for the patients. In most cases, renal involvement happens after the outside symptoms, such as fever, arthritis, skin rash and so on.
And what are the Classification of Lupus Nephritis?
It is useful to know the classification of Lupus Nephritis, because only if you know which type your disease belongs to can you well understand its development as well as realizing to what degree your Lupus Nephritis could be treated.
Lupus Nephritis is classified into six types based on light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy findings from renal biopsy specimens. They are as follows:
ClassⅠis minimal mesangial Lupus Nephritis;
ClassⅡis Mesangial proliferative Lupus Nephritis;
ClassⅢ is Focal Lupus Nephritis;
ClassⅣis Diffuse segmental (IV-S) or global (IV-G) Lupus Nephritis;
ClassⅤ is Membranous Lupus Nephritis;
ClassⅥ is Advanced sclerosing Lupus Nephritis.
At same time How to treat Lupus Nephritis?
Usually, there is no clinical manifestations if you develop ClassⅠ. And swelling, urine protein, urine blood or high blood pressure occurs in other classes.
You must be seek for a better treatment method because you haven’t recover from Lupus Nephritis or recover very slowly by using those traditional treatments. Then, after reading this article, you will find that there exists a better treatment for Lupus Nephritis.
First of all, let’s skim through the reasons why traditional treatment methods of Lupus Nephritis don’t have good effects during the treatment.
On the one hand, Lupus Nephritis itself is difficult to treat. This is because Lupus Nephritis has various pathogenic factors; and the kidneys are not the only organs damaged by lupus, which complicates the treatment; additionally, your body is no longer sensitive to corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agent. On the other hand, usually, traditional methods just treat the symptoms of this disease and do not hammer at repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuilding the kidneys’ structure. Hence, you haven’t recovered by using those traditional treatments.

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