Friday, 15 July 2011

Renal Failure Treatment

When disease progress into kidney failure, most glomeruli have shown evidences of global or segmental sclerosis, which means that only a small portion of blood can be filtered through glomeruli. As a result, toxic substances accumulate in blood.
The sclerosis of glomeruli stem from insufficient blood flow in glomerular blood capillaries, and which can be the result of blood stasis or thrombus, deposition of immune complexes, the squeeze of proliferated tissue cells, long term high blood pressure and the shrunk of vascular vessels. all of the above factors may give rise to pathological changes of glomerular capillary cells, thus causing decline in glomerular filtration ability.
Given the causation of kidney function decline, the hospital invented Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and introduced in Immunotherapy in treating kidney diseases.
The curative effect of micro-Chinese medicine is protecting remained kidney function from further declining and promoting self-repair ability of damaged but reversible kidney cells. Micro-Chinese medicine aims at promoting blood circulation within kidneys. This curative effect is achieved through dilating blood vessels, anticoagulation (preventing the formation of thrombus), and removing blood stasis, degrading accumulated immune complexes and extracellular matrixes. By this, blood circulation will be promoted which provides capillary cells with nutrient and oxygen; external squeeze will also be relieved. So, a favorable environment for damaged kidney cell self-repair will be created, and there will be no further kidney function decline.
The next step is to maximally restore kidney function. Micro-Chinese medicine can promote damaged kidney cell self-repair, however, in order to maximally Increase kidney function, Immunotherapy will prove to be of great help.
Immunotherapy is featured by its powerful self-renewing ability and polydirectional differentiation ability, which means they can regenerate new functional tissue cells.
Tow types of Immunotherapy are applied to clinical practices in our hospital, and they are Umbilical Mesenchymal Immunotherapy. UMST mainly differentiate into substantive tissue cells like kidney cells and liver cells. CBST mainly differentiate into tissue cells related to blood circulations (patients with kidney function decline usually suffer from insufficient effective blood volume). These two types of Immunotherapy can help with repairing and regenerating kidney cells enhance blood circulation of the whole body and especially the kidneys.
The improvement of kidney function ranges from 20% to 40% based on illness conditions of different patients.
The combination of micro-Chinese medicine and Immunotherapy protects remained kidney function, as well as regenerating new functional kidney cells.

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