Monday, 10 October 2011

Advice for Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy

Advice for Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy
Long-term uncontrolled hypertension is likely to cause Hypertensive Nephropathy. In turn, Hypertensive Nephropathy aggravates hypertension. This forms a vicious circle. Therefore, controlling hypertension is very important for patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy. Here are some pieces of advice for you to control hypertension in daily life.
◇Don’t drink
Drinking accelerates heartbeat, speeds up blood circulation and boosts rise of blood pressure. Therefore, patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy should not drink wine.
◇ Follow a low-sodium diet
Study shows that sodium increases blood pressure. As a patient with Hypertensive Nephropathy, you had better follow a low-sodium diet. As is know to all, sodium is abundant in salted foods, such as salt, canned means, salted condiments, pickled vegetables, soy sauce, etc. It is better for you to limit your salt intake to 5 grams per day, including salt in salted foods.
◇ Get up slowly
The minute you wake up from dream in the morning, don’t get up quickly. You had better lie on your back for a while. Meanwhile, you can move your legs, arms and head mildly and then get up slowly. Your blood pressure won’t undergo large fluctuation if you do as is said above.
◇ Wash with warm water
Cold or hot water can stimulate receptors in skins, causing vasoconstriction and then affecting blood pressure. In this case, it is better for you to use warm water when doing some washing. Wash face and brush teeth with water at 30~35 degree centigrade. If having a bath, you had better not take a long time.
◇ Drink a cup of water in the morning
Drink a cup of water after brushing teeth in the morning. This cup of water has many functions, including diluting blood, decreasing denseness of blood, lowering blood pressure, promoting metabolism and washing gastrointestinal tract.
◇ Do proper exercise
Study shows that proper exercise can help to lower blood pressure. You can do some exercise like walking, Taiji and other non-strenuous exercises.
◇ Have a good rest
Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy trend to feel fatigue, so a good rest is very important. You had better go to bed early and not watch TV for a long time before going to bed. If possible, you had better take a nap at noon, lasting half an hour to an hour.
◇ Keep a good mood
As we know, our mood is associated with blood circulation. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy should avoid fluctuation of mood. Excitation, anger, sadness and other moods all can cause rise of blood pressure. Therefore, keeping a good mood in daily life is of great importance.
Well control of hypertension plays an important role in treating Hypertensive Nephropathy. All above are some tips of controlling hypertension.

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