Monday, 10 October 2011

A Brief Introduction of Purpura Nephritis

Purpura Nephritis is a common complication of purpura. Survey shows that about one third of patients with purpura develop Purpura Nephritis. In most cases, it occurs 4 weeks after occurrence of skin purpura. In order to help patients get to know this disease well, a brief introduction of Purpura Nephritis is presented here.
Signs and symptoms of Purpura Nephritis
◇ Hematuria, especially gross hematuria has a high incidence.
◇ Proteinuria refers to the condition in which people have protein in urine. The amount of protein in urine is various. Some patients with Purpura Nephritis have little, while others have much, even to the degree of Nephrotic Syndrome (over 3.5 grams per day).
◇ Swelling occurs due to leakage of protein and retention of water.
◇ Hypertension is caused by kidney problem and in turn it can further damage the kidneys, aggravating Purpura Nephritis.
◇ Impaired kidney function occurs if Purpura Nephritis is not treated properly and timely. When it happens, Purpura Nephritis is not easy to treat and have high risk of developing into renal failure.
Treatment of Purpura Nephritis
◇ Look for and remove allergen of purpura
This step is of great importance for treating Purpura Nephritis and preventing its relapse in the future.
◇ Steroids
Steroids have a good effect in relieving joint pain, gastrointestinal tract problem caused by purpura, but they have little effect in treating Purpura Nephritis. Even so, when patients have much protein in urine, steroids still are used.
◇ Chinese Herb Medicine
Chinese herb medicine, or rather Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has good curative effect in treating Purpura Nephritis. The pathological change of Purpura Nephritis is deposition of IgA and immune complex in mesangial area, resulting in ischemia and anoxia of kidneys. Chinese herb medicine treats Purpura Nephritis by clearing up such deposition and improving blood circulation in kidneys. In this case, it treats this disease from root cause and therefore achieves good effects.
Prognosis of Purpura Nephritis
Prognosis of Purpura Nephritis is associated with many factors, including patient’s age, pathological type, severity and break out of skin purpura.
Usually, Purpura Nephritis in children has good prognosis; People with following pathological types have bad prognosis: sclerosis of glomerulus, fibrosis of renal interstitials and atrophy of renal tubules; prognosis is bad when a patient has frequent break out of skin purpura.

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